Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plants

Do you struggle to keep your wastewater treatment plant in compliance? Do you have an old treatment system that can’t keep up with new limits?
Covalen offers a variety of solutions to treat your incoming wastewater and keep you in compliance with effluent permit limits while keeping operations and maintenance costs low.
Our on-site packaged treatment systems come in a range of sizes from as small as 5,000 GPD maxing out around 1,000,000 GPD systems. Typical applications include municipal, condominiums, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, and decentralized treatment plants. Packaged control buildings are also available.
Additional UV disinfection options can also treat fecal coliform and total organic carbon (TOC) to produce water reuse quality effluent.
These are economical, energy efficient, solutions designed to meet each client’s needs and regulatory requirements. Whether you are dealing with total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen (ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites), or phosphorous, our packaged plants will get you in compliance.
When it comes to small and mid-sized treatment plants, the Covalen team will work with you on the application, product selection, design criteria and installation specifications to develop the ideal solution for your particular regulatory requirements and site constraints.
On-Site Packaged Treatment Plant Products & Features
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