Lagoon Treatment Solutions

Bradley Innovation Group
Lagoon Treatment Solutions

Do you struggle to keep your wastewater lagoons in compliance? Do you have an old system that can’t keep up with new limits? Are your lagoons full of sludge?

Wastewater lagoons commonly face challenges with elevated levels of TSS, BOD, and ammonia while struggling with sludge digestion, algae, and phosphorous.

Covalen offers highly effective and energy efficient solutions to improve the performance of EQ basins, pretreatment, waste stabilization ponds, and wastewater lagoons.

Our systems mix the entire column of the lagoon, pulling water from the bottom layer of a lagoon up to the top, ensuring thorough aeration and mixing throughout the entire water column. Results have been shown to reduce the sludge blanket and remove carbon dioxide, algae and VOC’s.

Whatever your lagoon application, the Covalen team will work with you on the product selection, design criteria and installation specifications to develop the ideal solution to make sure you can meet your compliance requirements.

Lagoon Treatment Manufacturers & Related Products


ProFusion Pumps

The most efficient wastewater lagoon pump on the market to reduce ammonia, TSS, and BOD.

Let’s Get Started!

Every project is important and our experienced staff is ready to assist you. Let’s discuss your project needs.