Case Study

Citizens Energy Group Indianapolis – E/One
The Indianapolis wastewater utility reduced construction costs, minimized intrusions on residents, and increased the speed of septic tank replacements by choosing to install E/One pressure sewer systems to replace thousands of failed septic systems.
Estimates are that there are between 16,000 to 30,000 septic tanks installed at homes across Indianapolis. Many of these tanks are old and with the non-porous clay soil in the area, when they fail, they release raw sewage jeopardizing public health by leaking into backyards, streams, and groundwater.
In order to address this systemic problem the city introduced its septic tank elimination program (STEP) in 2005 to replace failing septic tanks with gravity sewer systems. However, after ten years, the gravity sewer solution was abandoned due to the high costs and disruptions to homeowners with the Citizens Energy Group switching to E/One’s ALL-TERRAIN SEWER system as the replacement instead in 2016.
The Indianapolis Septic Tank Elimination Program (Indy STEP) is unique in it’s approach and reach. One of the largest and most comprehensive endeavors of this type in a major metro area to date, Citizen’s Indy STEP has used a design-build process to systematically replace 300-500 failing septic tanks in neighborhood after neighborhood every year.
This project used horizontal directional drilling to install the pipes, enabling an increased speed of installation and minimizing the disruption to homeowners and neighborhoods. With directional drilling, installers no longer needed to tear up roads and repave neighborhoods.
By using E/One’s ALL-TERRAIN SEWER system Citizens Energy Group was able to reduce costs and in turn reach more customers more quickly. By choosing E/One’s grinder pump driven pressure sewer system over a gravity system the project saved 46% in total cost for the construction, and reduced construction costs to homeowners by 60%. This in turn enabled the program to expand to areas that may have been out of reach, and connected more people in existing neighborhoods where there was not an affordable solution.
Throughout the process, Covalen has worked with Citizens Energy Group to implement this Design-Build project. Covalen has supported with guidance and boots on the ground to engage with homeowners and ensure the program was designed and delivered correctly. Covalen supports the process from start to finish with early engagement of homeowners through town halls and conversations at their door, certification of the installation, and system start-up.
Covalen teams with Indianapolis utility to replace thousands of failed septic systems in mature neighborhoods. Speed, reduced construction costs and non-invasive installations are the key to this innovative project!
Adapted from E/One’s Case Study.

Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) Cost Comparison

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